Huize st.Jozef

Willen alle jongens die ná 1950 in Huize St. Jozef, Cadier & Keer – Limburg, hebben gezeten en die seksueel misbruikt zijn zich ook melden.
Het is belangrijk dat de beerput nu eindelijk eens opengaat.

Jos, lotgenoot.

3 antwoorden
  1. Hannes Driessen
    Hannes Driessen zegt:

    Beste Jos,

    Ik ben Hannes Driessen (56) en heb op Huize Sint Joseph gezeten. Van 1968 t/m 1973 ben ik met regelmaat mishandeld en seksueel misbruikt. De grootste beul was in mijn tijd “broeder Bas” van refter 12. Hoop nog nader van je te mogen vernemen en hoop dat er meer slachtoffers zich melden. Hannes Driessen

    • pietrietveld
      pietrietveld zegt:

      oke hannes goed dat je je meld ik ben van de tijd 1961 1966 sint josef br bas is mij bekend

  2. walter lichtenberg
    walter lichtenberg zegt:

    Dear Jos,

    Just lately I came across all of these things by googling Huize St Joseph. What came up was several pages about sexual abuse!!! I was there during (somewhere in between) 1958 and left there in August 1962. I have tried to put all the memories away and therefore don’t remember various details. I just recently found out that Br. “M” spent some time in jail and passed away some time ago. I was put in the cell down in the basement because I had a fight with the group leader. Br. M released the bed that was controled from the outside. Once I was only in my under pants, he opened the door and told me to come to his room. I sat down on a chair and he gave me a cigarette. When he put his hand on my upper thy, I stood up and as by osmosis walked away back to my cell and got in bed. Later I heard him locking the door. After that he tried to make my life there a living hell. As I am amazed about the stories about actual sexual abuse there, I want everyone to know that the other types of abuse have been very damaging as well as it was for me. I don’t know how much different it would have been if an actual sexual act had occured. The fact that I was so afraid to even mention this to my friends, speaks for itself I think. My life has been “on hold” for as long as I can remember. I have never felt “normal” and I have always had a fear for success. As was case with most of us boys, we ended up in these places as a result of traumatic circumstances in the first place and were very vulnerable. As painful as it is, I am glad that I am working on this in my own head. I would like to be in contact with those who were there when I was there and have good honest diolog with them.
    Thanks to all who are active in making these things known.
    I hope to hear from you.
    With love,
    Walter Lichtenberg.

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